UpperMark Advantage
There are many reasons why more candidates select UpperMark.
UpperMark understands the commitment and effort needed to prepare for and succeed on the CAIA exams. Our goal is not only to provide the most effective study materials, but also to enable clients to maximize their efficiency. Our dedicated faculty and staff keep up-to-date on the alternative investments arena and on technological advances, so our clients stay ahead of the curve.
Exclusivity & Experience
UpperMark's exclusive focus on and history with the CAIA exam puts us in a unique position.
- The only company to have worked with the CAIA exam since its inception.
- Instructors who are skilled educators and experts in alternative investments, and have a unique understanding of the CAIA exam.
- Expertise in curriculum design, content development, and standardized testing.
We have carefully designed and developed an integrated suite of products with supplementary services for complete coverage and to cater to every need. Products range from carefully taught, interactive courses to dynamic testing software, and services include our Enhanced Study System and personal Progress Tracker.
Ahead of the Curve
Our integrated learning system is made up of cutting-edge study tools wth individual flexibility.
- TestBank – creates Practice Exams and full-length Mock Exams, and analyzes exam results.
- Review Courses – provide real-time live interaction with faculty, as well as unlimited access to recorded sessions.
- Flashcards – give the convenience of on-the-go study with color-coded printed cards.
- Personal Study Center – stages one venue for all your study tools with the latest iGoogle-like features.
Dedicated & Attentive
We offer a personal level of service provided by no other company.
Our faculty and staff are personally dedicated to the success of our
clients. They regularly research new products and services to add to
our existing array of products, and regularly go above and beyond,
exceeding client expectations.