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"Overall the TestBank was fantastic. I took a simulation test the day before the exam and some of the questions on the exam were almost identical to the TestBank questions."



TestBank Software

UpperMark™ TestBank is a sophisticated software application designed to enhance your comprehension of the CAIA exam material. Using over 2,000 sample exam questions, TestBank creates customizable Practice Exams and is the only product on the market to generate full-length Mock Exams!

TestBank is available in two versions: Web and Mobile.

Follow the proven UpperMark Approach: use TestBank as part of a Suite, so you can to learn from our Study Handbooks and sharpen your knowledge with TestBank.

Check out further details of TestBank below.

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UpperMark TestBank software has five main functions.

  1. Customized Practice Exams
    Create exams based on any part of the curriculum (Topic, Chapter, and/or Learning Objective). Customize using numerous options: calculation questions, conceptual questions, questions you got wrong, and much more.
  2. CAIA-Weighted Practice Exams
    Create CAIA-weighted exams to help prepare for full-length Mock Exams.
  3. Essay Practice Exams
    Create essay-type exams - essential for success on the CAIA Level II exam.
  4. Mock Exams
    Generate timed or untimed full-length Mock Exams.
  5. Exam History
    Review your performance on past exams and the details of each exam, and identify your areas of strength and weakness.

Valuable features of TestBank include -

  • Detailed explanations - of answers to questions.
  • Step-by-step solutions - for calculation problems.
  • Flag questions - to review or retest later.
  • Print - individual questions and complete exams, with or without answers and explanations.
  • Take exam off-line - then enter your responses in TestBank to get exam scored.
  • Save your exam - to finish at your convenience.

Versions of TestBank -

  • TestBank Web - access via the internet on your PC, MAC, laptop, or tablet (e.g., iPad).
  • TestBank Mobile - install on your Mac (M-series), iPad, iPhone, or Android device.

TestBank is valid for the current exam period, and will expire at the end of the exam period.


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