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CAIA Level I
Certificate in
          ESG Investing

Retake & Deferral

  • I didn't pass my exam using your study materials. Do you offer a pass guarantee?
    Yes, for clients who purchase a Suite study package and are not successful on their exams, we provide FREE access to the online and electronic services of their order for a subsequent same-Level exam. Please visit the UpperMark Assurance page for details of this offer.
  • I deferred my exam. Can I get continued access to my study products?
    Yes, for clients who purchase a Suite study package and defer their exams, we provide FREE access to the online and electronic services of their order for a subsequent same-Level exam. Please visit the UpperMark Assurance page for details of this offer.
  • I didn't pass my exam using study materials from another company. Do you offer a discount on your study materials?
    Yes, we offer a 40% discount off the full retail price to qualifying candidates. You may be eligible to participate in this offer if you purchased a study package from another company, were unsuccessful on your CAIA exam, and wish to purchase one of our Suite study packages (Suite, Premium Suite, Diamond Suite, or Platinum Suite) for the same-Level exam.

    To receive the discount, email us the information below.

    1. Verification from the CAIA Association of your retake exam registration for the current CAIA exam period. Eligible documentation includes a screenshot of your account history from the CAIA website.
    2. Receipt of your study package purchase from the other company for a prior CAIA exam period.

    Once these documents are received and reviewed, a discount code will be sent to you to apply to your eligible purchase from our website.

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